Gérard Bellitto

Gérard Bellitto has been Secretary General of the Gutenberg Circle since its creation.
After graduating in Political Science and in Law in Strasbourg and Paris, he held increasing responsibilities in the fields of regional economic development (DREE, Department of Regional Economic Expansion of Canada in Ottawa and Montreal; SADE, Société Alsacienne de Développement et d'Expansion in Strasbourg), new technologies, training and organization (Bull-General Electric then Honeywell-Bull in Paris, CEGOS Group in Suresnes and Abidjan) and bank management (Headquarters of Crédit Mutuel Centre Est Europe in Strasbourg from 1979 to 2006).
In addition to his corporate responsibilities, he was successively Secretary General of the CBBR (Comité des Banques du Bas-Rhin), President of the PCV association for the Promotion of Virtual Commerce and Secretary General of the Fondation Alsace alongside Professor Guy Ourisson, who then chaired it, and Secretary General of the Cercle Gutenberg when it was created by Professor Guy Ourisson.