Nicoletta Diasio

Nicoletta Diasio is an anthropologist and sociologist of the University of Strasbourg. She is a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France and head of the team “Corps et dynamiques conflictuelles” at the research laboratory Dynamiques européennes (UMR 7367). She is the chief editor of the Revue des Sciences sociales (
After conducting a comparative epistemology of the relationship between anthropology and medicine in Europe (La science impure, Paris PUF, 1999), her research explores how societies regulate, frame and socially accompany the bodily transformations, time and gender. The situations of uncertainty such as the age transitions (childhood, adolescence, menopause, critical age), the experience of illness in migration, controversies over life's thresholds, and family resemblances are her chosen fields.
Through a comparative and ethnographic approach, she particularly investigated how the child’s body is at the hearth of contemporary social debates, and how children appropriate, reinvent or cope with these discourse and apparatus. The project carried out as IUF member - "Growing up with a chronic disease or a genetic condition (type 1 diabetes and Turner syndrome): towards an anthropology of uncertainty" - deals with all these issues. The ongoing establishment and the coordination of an international network of social scientists « Children, Youth, Health. European Research Network » are a part of her scientific trajectory.
Publications and Research Projects: