Theo Lange

Prof. Dr. Theo Lange
Institut für Pflanzenbiologie
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Mendelssohnstr. 4
D-38106 Braunschweig

Diploma, University of Göttingen, Germany, 1986
Dr. rer. nat., University of Göttingen, Germany, 1989
Post-doc, Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol, England, 1990-1992
Post-doc, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Tokyo, Japan, 1993
Habilitation, University of Göttingen, Germany, 1998
Professor of Botany, Head of Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, 1999
Visiting Professor, JSPS-Fellowship for Research in Japan, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Yokohama, Japan, 2008

Holder of Chaire Gutenberg, Cercle Gutenberg, University of Strasbourg, France, 2015


The project

It was an honour for me to be one of three visiting scientists at the University of Strasbourg in 2015 to hold the Chaire Gutenberg by Cerle Gutenberg. This gave me the opportunity to initiate a great, still ongoing collaboration with Dr. Patrick Archard’s group at the IBMP. The idea was to apply mechanical stress to plants to increase tolerance to other stresses. The results were far more complex than originally thought. Mechanic stress triggers a variety of signals that affect various others signaling pathways, including abiotic and even biotic ones (we were able to analyse the latter in collaboration with the group of Dr. Thierry Heitz at the IBMP). The implications of this research have been and are still being brought to light. It has awakened my interest in stress research on plants and laid the foundation for a fruitful collaboration that has now lasted 5 years. Most of all I miss the excellent discussions with all my colleagues at IBMP (including the excellent French cuisine).

Results obtained under the chair were published in:

Camut L, Regnault T, Sirlin-Josserand M, Sakvarelidze-Achard L, Carrera E, Zumsteg J, Heintz D, Leonhardt N, Pimenta Lange J, Lange T, Davière JM, Achard P (2019) Root-derived GA12 contributes to temperature-induced shoot growth in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 5 (12), 1216-1221

Other significant publications (past five years):

  • Pimenta Lange MJ, Szperlinski M, Lange T. (2020) Cucumber gibberellin 1-oxidase/desaturase initiates novel gibberellin catabolic pathways. J. Biol. Chem. (in press)
  • Lange T, Pimenta Lange MJ (2020) The Multifunctional Dioxygenases of Gibberellin Synthesis. Plant Cell Physiol.  (in press)
  • Tenreira T, Pimenta Lange MJ, Lange T, Bres C, Labadie M, Monfort A, Hernould M, Rothan C, Denoyes B (2017) A Specific Gibberellin 20-oxidase Dictates the Flowering-Runnering Decision in Diploid Strawberry. Plant Cell 29, 2168-2182
  • Pimenta Lange MJ, Lange T (2016) Ovary-derived precursor gibberellin A9 is essential for female flower development in cucumber. Development 143, 4425-4429
  • Unterholzner SJ, Rozhon W, Papacek M, Ciomas J, Lange T, Kugler KG, Mayer KF, Sieberer T, Poppenberger B (2015) Brassinosteroids are master regulators of gibberellin bio-synthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 27, 2261-2272
  • Pimenta Lange MJ, Lange T (2015) Touch-induced changes in Arabidopsis morphology de-pendent on gibberellin breakdown. Nat. Plants 1 (3)